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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Are you living In The "NOW"?

Interesting question, I suppose but, living in the "Now" is critical for a great life and excelling in anything. We live in the past, future or present. What is the difference you ask? Let's start with living in the past. When we live in the past we have feelings of sadness, shame, quilt to name a few. Living in the future often brings feelings of fear or anxiety. I must confess that I have been in both of these states. How about you? Living in the present is where we want to be but, even then we can be in the present with feelings of anger, wrong goals etc. It is much better to be in the present "Now" moment in Love, Joy and Peace.

Living in the present is being content with your circumstances. This doesn't necessarily mean all is going well. True Contentment is when you are okay, no matter what. Having an attitude of gratitude for what you have is required for real true contentment. Often we aren't grateful for things unless we have experienced some lack in a situation.

I encourage you to evaluate your life and feelings and determine if you are living in the present "Now" moment. Remember it is never to late to start!

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